If you’re traveling through multiple time zones in a short period, it can be a little tricky to keep track of the time. When I was going through the Northwest Passage, we zigged and zagged through different time zones, back and forth; even my iPhone couldn’t keep up. It became particularly tricky for me in setting my early morning alarms. Because I was never convinced that my iPhone was correct, I had to calculate what zone my phone was on, work out how many hours earlier (or later) I needed to set the alarm for; I consistently got it wrong and found myself being woken up three hours early. If only I had the app Circa. The simple time zone tracker lets you check what time it is wherever you are, and wherever you’re heading. You can also add your home time, in case you want to keep in touch because we have all made that mistake, haven’t we? This app will show times that overlap when both parties should be awake. You can also use the app on the Apple Watch and it’s now available on Android.