Last spring, I fell in love with Cape Breton and all available bugs in the area fell in love with me. An evening at Fort Louisburg had me covered in black fly bites, and I mean everywhere. The next day, after touring the Gaelic College, I visited the gift shop. I always visit gift shops…it’s a weakness of mine. I came across a jar of locally made, natural bug bite remedy that immediately eased the itching. Mosquitos seem to be drawn to me, especially the days I eat bananas, and this salve takes the itchiness away.
When you can only think about a recent bite, and making it go away quickly, this does the trick. Made with only organic ingredients, this unique remedy helps with the relief of pain and itching caused by all types of biting and stinging insects. The medicinal properties of the wild plant ingredients also aid with healing and reducing swelling.
The founder is an aromatherapist natural skin cosmetic chef, medicinal wild plants harvester and a beekeeper, keeping it all natural.
As it comes in a tiny travel-sized pot, it is an essential for any travel first aid kit and to be honest, during any sort of warm weather activity, I keep it in the cosmetic bag in my purse, so it’s close to hand. At a recent cottage visit, a mosquito bit me and I grabbed this transparent smooth nice smelling balm, instantly applied it and didn’t give the bite another thought.
For more information, go to Bee Happy Farm.